

Raise Your Optimism for Better Outcomes in Sales, Work, and Life

Use optimism for better outcomes in sales, at work, and in life. It also helps you feel happier and less stressed at work. Most of us know someone who is constantly having problems, often sick or injured, frequently or almost always complaining about something. Most of us also know someone for whom things almost always go well. At work and in life, things just seem to go their way. Does optimism–or pessimism–result from events or could our outlook on life…

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Six Emotional Intelligence Skills for Sales Success

Emotional intelligence skills for sales consists of six specific skills that enable high performance throughout the sales cycle. Salespeople are in the business of making people happy. From small sales to big ones, the sales process is a trade of money for something that solves a problem or makes our lives better, easier, more effective, efficient, or just more beautiful. That’s why emotional intelligence is essential for increasing sales. In order to get to that magical moment where the seller…

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Reduce Anxiety for Better Health

Sometimes anxiety may feel rational, but actually it’s not helping. Try these three tips to reduce anxiety and start bouncing back. Let’s face it. The global pandemic has left everyone with historic levels of leftover stress. Work–whether you have it or you don’t–is one source of stress. We all have fears. Letting your fears get the better of you is counterproductive. Stress can triggers hormones that can actually reduce your body’s immune responses and increase your risk for other health…

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Which Emotional Intelligence Skills Drive High Performance?

A guide to the 5 emotional intelligence skills that consistently show up in effective leaders.   The research is clear: emotional intelligence is the number one predictor of leadership success. Up to 90% of leadership effectiveness is due to the leader’s EQ or emotional quotient. How? Mostly through these five emotional intelligence skills that show up consistently in successful leaders. Together, these skills create the ability to respond in the moment to others in a way that will result in…

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Why High Trust Cultures Create High Performing Companies

If you want to build a high performing company, start by building a high trust culture through emotional intelligence. Some people think employees are inherently untrustworthy, lazy and self-serving. Others believe employees are inherently trustworthy and motivated by a sense of pride in their work. Who is right? Research says: they are both right. As it turns out, the assumptions that managers make about employees determines the outcome. If you start with an emotional intelligence approach and build trust, you…

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Lisa D. Foster, Ph.D. ACC  is an independent coach. As an Associate Certified Coach by the International Coaching Federation, Lisa honors and abides by the ICF Code of Ethics.  All coaching sessions and consultations are confidential.

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