Emotional Intelligence

thought leadership

Three Ways Emotional Awareness Advances Your Career and Enhances Promotability

The Key Elements for Promotability are Rooted in Emotional Intelligence What executives and upper management know that individual contributors often miss, is that being seen and heard are important to being promoted into leadership. Studies on promotability have confirmed what other studies have already established, that emotional intelligence—particularly emotional awareness—is essential for promotability and career advancement. The other three traits you need to demonstrate in a workplace to be seen as ripe for promotion are Strategic Thinking, Thought Leadership, and…

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A Tactical Advantage: How Leaders with Emotional Intelligence Training Create Better Teams

Emotional Intelligence training gives leaders techniques to improve performance up and down the company structure Emotional Intelligence Is the Basis for High Performing Teams What benefits your company more: focusing on numbers or focusing on people? Increasingly, companies that make the strategic choice to create a people-centered approach based in emotional intelligence are outperforming those with a profit-focused approach. Studies show that companies that have more female executives are more profitable. Research by McKinsey demonstrates the business case for diversity,…

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Emotional Intelligence categories

How Does Developing Emotional Intelligence Drive High Performance and Productivity?

Improving emotional intelligence is the key to getting work done through other people The job of every manager is to get work done through other people. How you manage your team members creates the difference between average results and high performance. Unmotivated people do their job because they have to. Motivated people go above and beyond because they want to.  When that happens, even ambitious goals become reachable. If you create the conditions to inspire your team to direct all…

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Lisa D. Foster, Ph.D. ACC  is an independent coach. As an Associate Certified Coach by the International Coaching Federation, Lisa honors and abides by the ICF Code of Ethics.  All coaching sessions and consultations are confidential.

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