Thank you for joining my gratitude project.

Today’s tip: Keep a Gratitude Journal.

There is nothing like writing something down to help it stick in your mind. You can use a real journal or notebook, or just save a word doc with your daily gratitude thoughts. When you look back over them, you’ll see how much you have to be thankful for.  Even if you don’t look, the fact it’s there will help you remember all that brings you happiness.

There is no wrong way to keep a gratitude journal but keeping these three simple guidelines in mind will help strengthen your practice:

1. Be specific, the more specific you can be about what you are grateful for, the better.

2. Focus on people. Being grateful for people will bring more happiness than being grateful for things.

3. Don’t let it get routine: change what you write, when you write it, how long you write, and keep it new. Sometimes you might write a single word, phrase, or sentence. Other times allow yourself to write a page or two. Try not to repeat yourself. 

Follow me on Facebok or come back tomorrow for another way to express your gratitude! 

Happy thanksgiving everyone! 

Don’t forget: I’m giving prizes for people who participate. See My Gratitude project terms and conditions for details.