Team Coaching

Team coaching is designed to increase collective capacity and performance of a group or team.

Team coaching works primarily through coaching techniques such as self-reflection and team-reflection, analysis, assessments, and connecting with the team’s motivation for change. Team coaching may include other types of learning such as team training, team building, conflict resolution, communication styles, building a positive team culture, and developing mechanisms for the team to hold each other accountable. Team coaching is focused on systems within the team to create understanding of the team context, enable and empower the team and its members, allowing solutions to iterate and evolve, engaging in continual processes of improvement, and dealing with uncertainty.

Team coaching happens in a group setting on a regular basis to help teams solve problems more quickly, create and enhance team cohesion and focus on common goals, improve team or cross-functional team communication, and develop a team structure (norms, functions, and expectations) that supports better performance.

I am ICF certified for team coaching.

Pricing varies depending on size of team, frequency of team meetings, and length of engagement. All team coaching engagements begin with a process to determine goals and measures of success. Contact me for more details.

Lisa D. Foster, Ph.D. ACC  is an independent coach. As an Associate Certified Coach by the International Coaching Federation, Lisa honors and abides by the ICF Code of Ethics.  All coaching sessions and consultations are confidential.

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