Grateful today for these beautiful crocuses at the side of my driveway and other signs of spring. Forsythia buds. The nest with peeping chicks at the corner of the garden. Warmer days that promise better times ahead.

These lines from Gerard Manley Hopkins have been ringing in my head today:

And for all this, nature is never spent;
    There lives the dearest freshness deep down things;
And though the last lights off the black West went
    Oh, morning, at the brown brink eastward, springs —
Because the Holy Ghost over the bent
    World broods with warm breast and with ah! bright wings.

Gerard Manley Hopkins, God’s Grandeur

No need to make sense of it. Just enjoy the sound. If you remember, “ah! bright wings,” it just might cheer up your day.

Hope you can get out today and take a walk, or spend some time at a window. Send me pics of spring where you are!

#gratitude #mygratitudeproject